Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Last post

The only cure for shallowness is the oceanic Word of God. Undefiled by the devil and his followers and dupes. The pure, complete Word of God, AV1611/King James Version. Read the long article posted below, scroll down to at least read through the list of doctrine changed and defiled by the modern corrupt manuscripts and the translations based on them. It will open the eyes of God's elect.

Make a goal to read the Bible complete, Genesis through Revelation, seven times. Everything else of importance will follow naturally in the wake and course of that effort over time. And remember that the effort of a Christian is to take self and heaven by storm...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord! It's your last post. Maybe now you will have time to check your self into the local rehab clinic or hospital psych ward for that much needed care for your obsessive-compulsive disorders. Oh! One more thing. Learning to spell correctly is not that difficult in this day and age....spell checker works great and then...there is always the dictionary. You obviously failed elementary spelling.

4:46 PM, July 15, 2005  
Blogger c.t. said...

You're sweet. And I've actually never proofread a blog more than this one. Turn my glory into shame! As the psalmist says, this is what the devil does. Good work.

As the RC priests molest the children of their adherents, you go back now to allowing the devil to molest the Word of God for you... Satanicus/Vaticanus (the modern manuscripts that the modern versions of the Bible are based on, in case you didn't know) to the depths of Hell you will follow!!!

Now at least attempt to read your Bible. You aren't a Christian until you actually value the Word of God.

12:28 AM, July 16, 2005  
Blogger c.t. said...

And at some point take a look at the doctrine that is changed or defiled by your modern versions based on the Roman Catholic, devil-approved modern manuscripts:

12:40 AM, July 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? I am a AV1611 person. See, more of the proof that you are not operating under the Spirit of the Lord. And more of your quackery! Please, for your well being....keep that doctors appointment and get the help that you so badly need.

11:21 AM, July 16, 2005  
Blogger c.t. said...

Bahhh! Get out of my cave!

12:10 PM, July 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting that you are an OLD BAT, Caroline?

12:46 PM, July 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think she is giving us more evidence of instability.

12:47 PM, July 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey "Caroline", do you like fruit cake? It seems you like it year round versus only at the holidays.

Is "Caroline" your code name? Are you a male or female or just a female impersonator? You know what God says about that, don't you? You know, we are getting closer to finding out what your IP address is and then we will have your full keep blogging and writing....we almost have you...even if you do hide in a "cave".

4:12 PM, July 16, 2005  
Blogger c.t. said...

I'm going to write this for people who read the above and don't know:

I.P. addresses don't give away personal information. Many ISP accounts don't even provide static I.P. addresses.

Anybody who's ever posted to an internet forum, or sent email, reveals their I.P. address.

The most a person can do is trace the address using any number of services on the 'net to a geographical location. I've already said I'm from California.

So, when somebody says "We're close to getting your I.P. address..." just know it's a junior hacker wannabee who doesn't have the first clue what he's talking about.

Notice the refined good humor in the correspondents above as well. I've said it before: 99% of the Christians you run into on the internet are immature. Young, old, in between, they are immature. Lack of development. This, of course, is also true for most non-Christians, which is the point...

Notice also my sole crime is to expose the devil-defiled state of the modern versions of the Bible. The devil is hard at work attacking Christianity via attacking the Word of God, and his followers explode, just come out of the woodwork and explode, when anybody publically exposes this activity.

You live in hell, fools; and you will never defeat God, just as you will never be a match for God's elect...

This, by the way, is a line that comes close to threat and harrassment: "You know, we are getting closer to finding out what your IP address is and then we will have your full information..." It actually might have crossed the line.

1:28 AM, July 17, 2005  

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