Saturday, July 09, 2005

Poor Rob of the Thinklings...

Rob at the Thinklings needs a hug. It seems he's just realized he's a shallow creep who treats other people like garbage. Or, more likely, he's known it for a long time but he just likes to periodically admit it to get sympathy and attention (and praise for his 'honesty' and 'transparency').

Oh, the drama. I've got a wife, and I don't treat her well. This is me, my life, my experience, I am living this...I suffer.

Many comments from his fellow Thinklings following the dramatic post. Not one of them like this: "Rob, demonstrate your confession with your thoughts, your words, and your deeds. Save us the drama. You're either going to stop being a creep or you're not. This confession of yours is vanity in search of stroking. Basically, act better or screw off."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seemed to me that he was probably in the doghouse with his wife and was writing the post in hopes that she would read it so that he could get her approval again and back to his depraved and selfish ways.

Quite frankly, it made me sick. I really wonder how much time he spent confessing to God before he went "confessing" to others so that he could get some pitty for his poor little depraved soul. He's a fake and he knows it....just more of his manipulation!

6:15 AM, July 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well since he was living self I'm glad this post showed love by saying screw off... that's Biblical.

1:34 PM, July 10, 2005  
Blogger c.t. said...

anonymous one: I was going to add that same point. That the confession would act as a sort of reboot of his computer. Then back to normal everyday behavkiour.

anonymous two: 'screw off', I agree, was a little harsh. I always go one or two or three degree over the edge in harshness in my posts...usually just at the end...

1:55 PM, July 10, 2005  

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